• Excellent induction
  • Versatile positioning
  • Suitable as a ceiling, wall and riser diffuser
  • Installed directly in ductwork or groove – no tools required


TLH is a basic supply diffuser for wall, ceiling or riser installation.
TLH features a perforated front and a connection collar fitted with a wide rubber gasket for installation directly in duct or groove without additional fastening devices.


Materials and surfaces 
TLH is made of steel, and comes in a RAL 9003 - gloss 30 finish with EPDM rubber gasket fitted as standard.


TLH is installed directly in to duct as shown in fig. 3 or in groove with an equivalent inside diameter, and is secured by using a press-and-twist method. The diffuser is removed by reversing the action, i.e. twist and pull.

Technische informatie

  • Order Code
  • Quick Selection



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