Dispositifs verticaux



 Ready-to-operate decentralised ventilation unit that provides good comfort levels and is used for the ventilation of internal spaces such as classrooms, conference rooms and day nurseries

  • Acoustically optimised EC fans with low specific fan power, SFP = 0 to EN 16798-3
  • Rotary heat recovery unit (75% heat recovery efficiency) with moisture recovery in winter
  • Electric air heater with 1500 W max. heating capacity
  • Condensate drip tray without condensate drain
  • Heat recovery all year round
  • Reduced fine dust and pollen contamination due to integral filters that conform to VDI 6022 – filter class ISO ePM1 65% and extract air ISO coarse 60%
  • Easy filter change, no tools required
  • Motorised shut-off dampers, normally closed (NC)
  • Installation without interruption of school operations

Optional equipment and accessories

  • Modular control system FSL-CONTROL III, specially for decentralised ventilation systems
  • Wood panelling as outer casing in various colours, with TROX ventilation grilles for supply air and extract air (assembly kit)


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 Ready-to-operate decentralised ventilation unit that provides good comfort levels and is used for the ventilation of internal spaces such as classrooms, conference rooms and day nurseries

  • Acoustically optimised EC fans with low specific fan power, SFP = 0 to EN 16798-3
  • Cross flow heat recovery unit (heat recovery efficiency 52 %)
  • Highly efficient heat exchanger for heating as a 2-pipe system
  • Heat exchanger connection is on the right when seen from the room
  • Condensate drip tray with or without condensate drain
  • Heat recovery all year round (optional)
  • Reduced fine dust and pollen contamination due to integral filters that conform to VDI 6022 – filter class ISO ePM1 65% and extract air ISO coarse 75%
  • Easy filter change, no tools required
  • Motorised shut-off dampers, normally closed (NC)
  • Installation without interruption of school operations

Optional equipment and accessories

  • Modular control system FSL-CONTROL III, specially for decentralised ventilation systems
  • Wood panelling as outer casing in various colours, with TROX ventilation grilles for supply air and extract air (assembly kit)

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Ready-to-operate decentralised ventilation unit that provides good comfort levels and is used for the ventilation of internal spaces such as classrooms, conference rooms and day nurseries

  • Acoustically optimised EC fans with low specific fan power, SFP = 0 to EN 16798-3
  • Cross flow heat recovery unit (heat recovery efficiency 52 %)
  • Highly efficient heat exchanger for heating and cooling as a 4-pipe system
  • Heat exchanger connection is on the right when seen from the room
  • Condensate drip tray with or without condensate drain
  • Heat recovery all year round (optional)
  • Reduced fine dust and pollen contamination due to integral filters that conform to VDI 6022 – filter class ISO ePM1 65% and extract air ISO coarse 75%
  • Easy filter change, no tools required
  • Motorised shut-off dampers, normally closed (NC)
  • Installation without interruption of school operations

Optional equipment and accessories

  • Modular control system FSL-CONTROL III, specially for decentralised ventilation systems
  • Wood panelling as outer casing in various colours, with TROX ventilation grilles for supply air and extract air (assembly kit)

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 Ready-to-operate decentralised ventilation unit that provides good comfort levels and is used for the ventilation of internal spaces such as classrooms, conference rooms and day nurseries

  • Acoustically optimised EC fans with low specific fan power, SFP = 0 to EN 16798-3
  • Rotary heat recovery unit (75% heat recovery efficiency) with moisture recovery in winter
  • Highly efficient heat exchanger for heating and cooling as 2-pipe or 4-pipe system
  • Heat exchanger connection is on the right when seen from the room
  • Condensate drip tray with or without condensate drain
  • Heat recovery all year round
  • Reduced fine dust and pollen contamination due to integral filters that conform to VDI 6022 – filter class ISO ePM1 65% and extract air ISO coarse 60%
  • Easy filter change, no tools required
  • Motorised shut-off dampers, normally closed (NC)
  • Installation without interruption of school operations

 Optional equipment and accessories

  • Modular control system FSL-CONTROL III, specially for decentralised ventilation systems
  • Wood panelling as outer casing in various colours, with TROX ventilation grilles for supply air and extract air (assembly kit)


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Unité de ventilation décentralisée prête à l'emploi qui offre de bons niveaux de confort, utilisée pour la ventilation des locaux, comme les salles de classe dans les écoles

  • Ventilateurs EC avec optimisation acoustique, faibles puissances spécifiques du ventilateur, SFP -1 suivant EN 13779
  • Échangeur à plaques pour récupération de chaleur (air/air), comprenant un clapet by-pass avec servomoteur électrique (ouvert-fermé)
  • Alternative : Échangeur rotatif pour récupération de chaleur (air/air), comprenant un by-pass avec servomoteur électrique (modulant ou ouvert-fermé)
  • Batterie pour le chauffage et le refroidissement en système 2 ou 4 tubes
  • Base de l'unité : 0,24 m² env.
  • Maintenance facile du filtre, aucun outil nécessaire
  • Bac de récupération de condensat avec ou sans évacuation de condensat
  • Clapets de fermeture motorisés, normalement fermés (NC)
  • Commutation automatique en mode air secondaire (en fonction de la qualité de l'air)

Équipements et accessoires en option

  • Système de régulation modulaire FSL-CONTROL II, spécifiquement adapté aux systèmes de ventilation décentralisés
  • Volume d'air neuf suivant la demande, free-cooling et purge nocturne, en fonction de la stratégie de régulation
  • Récupération de chaleur variable
  • Peinture par poudrage RAL 9005 (noir)

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