

Supply and extract air unit with switchover option to secondary air operation, including cross flow heat recovery unit and heat exchanger for vertical installation on the façade

Ready-to-operate decentralised ventilation unit that provides good comfort levels and is used for the ventilation of internal spaces such as classrooms, conference rooms and day nurseries

  • Acoustically optimised EC fans with low specific fan power, SFP = 0 to EN 16798-3
  • Cross flow heat recovery unit (heat recovery efficiency 52 %)
  • Highly efficient heat exchanger for heating and cooling as a 4-pipe system
  • Heat exchanger connection is on the right when seen from the room
  • Condensate drip tray with or without condensate drain
  • Heat recovery all year round (optional)
  • Reduced fine dust and pollen contamination due to integral filters that conform to VDI 6022 – filter class ISO ePM1 65% and extract air ISO coarse 75%
  • Easy filter change, no tools required
  • Motorised shut-off dampers, normally closed (NC)
  • Installation without interruption of school operations

Optional equipment and accessories

  • Modular control system FSL-CONTROL III, specially for decentralised ventilation systems
  • Wood panelling as outer casing in various colours, with TROX ventilation grilles for supply air and extract air (assembly kit)

Technische informatie

Function, Technical data, Quick sizing, Specification text, Order code

  • Function

Functional description

Decentralised supply and extract air units ventilate the room and cover the cooling and heating load in accordance with the technical data. An EC centrifugal fan takes in the outdoor air which then flows through the motorised shut-off damper and the outdoor air filter. The outdoor air then flows through the cross flow heat recovery unit, which can be switched off in energy efficient operating situations. Before the supply air flows into the room like displacement air, it is heated or cooled in the heat exchanger if required (optional for 4-pipe units).The extract air first passes through the extract air filter, then flows through the heat recovery unit, the extract air fan and the motorised shut-off damper before it is discharged to the outside as exhaust air. If the indoor air quality is sufficient, the FSL-CONTROL III control system switches to energy-efficient secondary air mode by closing the outdoor air dampers. The control system compares the room air quality setpoint value to the actual value measured by the CO2 sensor and switches automatically between outdoor air and secondary air operation. In case of a power failure, the outdoor air and exhaust air dampers are closed to ensure fire protection, frost protection and to avoid draughts. This is ensured by a capacitor in each actuator. Near the external wall, the supply air is discharged into the room with a medium velocity between 0.5 and 0.8 m/s. Due to the induction effect, the supply air velocity is rapidly reduced after entering the room. As a result, in cooling mode, the supply air spreads out like displacement flow over the entire floor area. Near heat sources such as people or equipment, a lift current is formed by natural convection, so that the air is exchanged primarily in these areas.

Product details


Installation and commissioning

  • Installation on the floor in front of the outside wall
  • Level adjustment using the 4 levelling feet (+40 mm)
  • Fixing bracket on the top of the unit and 2 fixing points under the heat exchanger for screwing in to the wall or ceiling slab
  • The outdoor air intake or exhaust air discharge takes place via 2 façade openings. The façade openings must be professionally
  • provided by the customer and ideally have a slope to the outside
  • Free area of ventilation openings: 0.031 m² for each opening (outside and exhaust air) and 0.1 m² per opening (supply and extract air)
  • Weather protection for the outdoor air and exhaust air openings to be provided by others
  • Installation and connections to be performed by others. Fixing, connecting and sealing material not included
  • Water supply and return connections are on the right-hand side of the
  • unit, as seen from the room
  • The customer must ensure that the unit can be drained and vented.
  • The electrical connection is on the right-hand side of the unit, as seen from the room
  • We recommend using flexible hoses to connect the unit to the pipework so that the heat exchanger can be easily removed for cleaning.
  • The under sill trim provided by others must not obstruct maintenance access at the front of the unit or installation and removal of the unit.






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