Demand-based room control with X-AIRCONTROL

Product keuze A-Z

X-Aircontrol - the film  

Comfort conditioning systems by example of an office

Looking for perfect indoor air management that fulfils individual requirements on energy efficiency, comfort levels, acoustic properties and air quality? 

Look no further. X-AIRCONTROL is efficient, demand-based, and super flexible. 

How? Look here!


  • Individual room control
  • Optimisation of the air handling unit based on ventilation and air conditioning parameters
    - Fan speed control based on the damper blade position of VAV terminal units
    - Control of the recirculation damper based on the air quality
    - Centralised air conditioning (heating/cooling) based on actual room temperatures
  • Centralised alarm management and display of actual operating values
  • Cost optimisation due to reduced number of data points
  • Easy commissioning


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