Expo 2008 - Zaragoza (Spain)

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  • Task
  • Solution
  • Result
From June to September, over 5.5 million people visited the Expo 2008 in Zaragoza. More than 100 countries and international organisations presented in 140 pavilions the world exhibition’s topic “Water and sustainable development”. The exhibition’s most emblematic buildings were the 76-metre-high Water Tower “Torre del Aqua” containing the sculpture Splash, and the Bridge Pavilion built across the river Elbro. High value was not only put on the architectural design of the pavilions, but also on the pavilions’ air-conditioning and ventilation systems which had to provide a maximum level of thermal comfort.
The grilles, diffusers and jet nozzles in virtually all the exhibition buildings came from TROX. The Spanish Pavilion, the Aragon’s Pavilion and the Water Tower were equipped exclusively with TROX components and systems. For example, the TROX centralised ventilation unit TKM from TROX Spain in conjunction with other TROX components ensured a pleasant climate.
TROX provided a whole range of high-quality and innovative components and systems to make sure that visitors and exhibitors alike feel comfortable in this showcase of nations. TROX swirl diffusers are an efficient solution for producing mixed air flows. This is why they are suitable for the quick exchange of high air volumes and thus for small as well as large rooms.
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