Donbass Arena - Donetsk (Ukraine)

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  • Description
The Donbass football stadium in the Ukrainian industrial city of Donetsk is the home stadium of the top club Schachtar Donezk. The construction work took three years, with the Arena opening in August 2009. 
The Donbass Arena was equipped with leading-edge network infrastructure and ornate glass facade. 
A unique feature of the stadium is the world's largest "floating" granite football. This 28-ton ball, made of several black and light-coloured rocks, floats on a thin layer of water.
EURO matches:
3 group matches
1 quarter final
1 semi final
Facts at a glance:
Capacity: 51,504
Completion: 2009
TROX contribution:
Fire dampers
Sound attenuators
Multi-leaf dampers
External louvres
Slot diffusers
Grilles and ceiling diffusers
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