Centre National Sportif et Culturel (Luxembourg)

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  • Task
  • Solution
  • Result
The Centre National Sportif et Culturel in Luxembourg was built on the Kirchberg Plateau on an area of over 13,000 hectares of land. The complex consists of the Olympic indoor swimming pool opened in 1984 and the multipurpose sport complex opened in the year 2000. 
Architect Roger Tailibert created the complex’s design and the three arched roofs with their imposing roof structures. The many visitors, the spacious design and the architecture demanded a very superior air-conditioning solution.
With an overall concept consisting of jet nozzles, louvre dampers, weather-resistant louvres, variable and constant volume flow control units, fire dampers, external silencers and various air diffuser designs, TROX Belgium was able to meet the widest variety of criteria set both by the spaces themselves and by the desires of the architects and planners. 
The TROX products used not only fit seamlessly into the look envisaged by the architects, but they even set their own accents. Here, too, by using flexible and customer-tailored products we succeeded in achieving the best combination of personal comfort, economic considerations and safety.
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