Albert Luthuli Hospital - Durban (South Africa)

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  • Task
  • Solution
  • Result
The Inkosi Albert Luthuli hospital, located at the outskirts of the city of Durban, South Africa, is the largest and most modern hospital in southern Africa. 
TROX has the task of creating optimal room air-technical conditions in bedrooms, offices and operating rooms. 
For this reason, TROX South Africa supplies all substantial climatic and air conditioning components, from simple air grilles, swirl and ceiling diffusers, fire dampers and silencers, to high-quality HEPA filters for operating rooms.
The air conditioning of the building is implemented as a central air conditioning system. Ceiling diffusers are predominantly used for the supply of air to the bedrooms and offices. Temperature regulators coordinated with these diffusers give information about room air temperatures, heating requirements and shutter positions, among other things, to the central computer supervising the values. 
In the operating rooms, high-quality HEPA filters are used to clean the air. These filters are temperature and humidity resistant and fulfill the highest requirements for air purity and sterility.
TROX South Africa developed an inexpensive and reliable overall design for the Inkosi Albert Luthuli hospital. Climatic components were used which offer highest reliability, and thus also safety, for sensitive and safety-relevant areas.
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